Friday, March 30, 2007

Mathematical Diversions - 3

There are three glasses on the table - 3, 5, and 8 oz. The first two are empty, the last contains 8 oz of water. By pouring water from one glass to another make at least one of them contain exactly 4 oz of water.

Mathematical Diversions - 2

There are 3 boxes. Each of the three boxes contains 2 balls. In one there are two white balls, in another two black balls, and in the third one ball is black, the other is white. Boxes have been labeled to indicate their contents. However, whoever did the job got all labels wrong. The task is to straighten things out. You may select 1 box and blindly pick up a ball out of it and then have to put the correct label on the boxes.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Who asked Himesh to sing?

I guess the answer is no one. He just sings by himself for himself and of himself (whatever that means). He has a big misconception that he can sing. Why can’t he just stick to composing music (without his voice, which is rare these days), which would be a little excusable? I just fail to understand how the producers put money on him. I am sure it is making business sense for them to do so. So if they are able to make money it means that people are buying his music and appreciating it. So ultimately it boils down to the common man.
Every time I hear him sing I cannot but feel sorry for his ignorance. I just cannot understand how he is surviving in the market. May be market just wants substandard quality of music. He behaves very weirdly whenever he talks to the media too. He talks as if he has done it all. Over and above he compares himself with other great singers. I cannot understand, on one side we have people like Amitabh who after achieving everything in life still remain humble and on the other we have people like Himesh who beat their own drum. It is very apt that empty vessels make lot of noise.
I am sure his music will not live for more than 2 years. Like many other things this is just a phase that will pass very soon but till that time I would just have to bear him or change the channel whenever possible.

India's 2007 Cricket World Cup Debacle

It was really a great “escape” I should say for India from the Cricket World Cup – 2007, because otherwise other teams would have mauled them anyway in the Super8. India was not even fit to go to the world cup in the first place. World Cup is a stage to showcase your talent not your shortcomings. Cricket should have a world cup for the team which exits first like the ignoble prize. India would win it all the time. Indian team’s performance was so pathetic that they deserve to be out of this world cup. It is time for the Indian team to do some reality check. This was the team, which every one said is the best it could get. If the best has performed like this then I think there is no future for Indian cricket. India has never ever been a powerhouse like Australia ever in its cricketing career. It has only gone from bad to worse where all other teams have grown from strength to strength.
India has never had a killer instinct, discipline on the field, or complete fitness. It has always been mired in some controversy or the other. It feels like players go out to play as a formality not because they have passion or the pride of playing for their country. Cricket is not their bread and butter because everything is taken care by their ads/endorsements. Cricket is just an extra income for them.
I understand that winning and losing is part of the game. But losing without a fight is called giving up. I have no hopes from any Indian team in future. 4 top players are going to retire soon and there is no succession plan. Cricket (in spite of not being a national game) gets all the limelight, money, status and facilities but still this bunch of 11 players cannot perform consistently (or rather they under perform consistently).
Australians and South Africans have taken the game to a different level. Indians cannot even conceive of it. It is like a 2-dimensional creature thinking about the 3rd dimension as being absurd or for us to be baffled by higher dimensions. What Indians play is not professional cricket it is leisure time pass. I feel the Indian team should be banned from playing any international matches till all the issues have been sorted out regarding talent search, management and such. The match money should be made performance based.

