Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Go Green

    These days, going green has become more a fad than a concern. It is the "in" thing. I do not care as long as it helps the environment. At least fifteen years back - my adult years - in India, my family had already taken this initiative, albeit in a small way. I had always seen my mother reuse things, whether it was to use the old cloth material to make cushions, curtains, pillow covers etc, or making a notepad from used paper. Wastage of any kind was strictly prohibited. I imbibed all these things subconsciously and still continue to walk on those lines.

    We would not go out to buy anything without a tote bag.
We would refuse to take plastic bags from the shop keepers and would in fact give the ones we had back to the vendors and shopkeepers for reuse. For things like newspaper, bottles, iron etc we used to have people who would come pick it up from the houses based on the weight for each type of item. I remember bargaining with them for the best price.

    Using things judiciously was ingrained in the Indian psyche, at least to some extent, and to a large extent in my family. One reason could be that it made good financial sense, but more important was realizing that it was the right thing to do. One could argue that may be the society was not developed enough so people had to resort to such methods, but if development means more wastage and burden on our planet then we should shun such type of development. Baby steps by each individual in the right direction would bring about a sea change in the quality of our environment. I think it would also make good business sense for the companies. It is a win-win for everyone. We just need some change in the attitude and be conscious of what we do, that is all it requires.

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