Thursday, November 01, 2007

Social Networking

Social Networking has caught on like wild fire. Everyone seems to be on one or the other networking sites like Orkut, Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin etc. I have still not understood how all these networking sites are different from one another. May be it is just about having options. I have till now kept myself out of all these networking. I some how have not bought into this whole idea of social networking.

The only advantage I see, is that through this, one can meet old friends or make new friends. But how many of us really make pen friends. But what is really the value of all this. Potentially it could be used to spread or share views on various topics, but at present it feels more like gossip and eavesdropping on someone else's private space. If it is all about chatting, then we already have messengers available.

May be social networking is the way to the future but I am still not up to it. I still prefer the traditional way of communicating, email.

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