Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Martin Gardner - A Non Mathematician par excellence in Mathematics

I still very vividly remember the place and time when I first heard about this great man. It was 1994 around 9 PM in Goa at my relative's place. My uncle very casually asked me if I knew about Martin Gardner or have read his books. Answer to both his questions was a big NO. He started this topic because I was telling him that I had enrolled in Mathematics Honors for my bachelor's degree. He immediately wrote down some books for me which might be interesting for me to read. He told me that Martin Gardner has written lots about mathematics. I didnot know that I was getting initiated into mathematics in a subtle way. Joining a degree course is one thing but getting addicted to it is another. I always liked mathematics no doubt, but never really ventured into the other side of it. I owe my addiction and passion towards mathematics to my uncle.
I have read lot of books written by Martin Gardner. He is such a genius when it comes to writing about mathematics. He is extremely articulate, clear and also very easy to read. He makes learning about mathematics fun. He could talk about difficult concepts with ease. Fun part is that he is not a trained mathematician. He started writing about mathematics as a regular column for Scientific American and then those were compiled as books. He wrote for almost 25 years. I am a big fan of Martin Gardner's books. I would highly recommend reading his books for anyone who wants to have fun with mathematics.

Highest form of pure thought is in mathematics - Plato

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