Monday, February 01, 2010

Carving Out UP and Bihar

    In all the brouhaha that is happening over carving out a Telangana state out of Andhra Pradesh why cannot we carve out UP and Bihar and make them independent countries. One the state size and population would certainly warrant it as per the western standards (these states are as big as some of the countries in Europe). 
Secondly, people like Mayawati, Laloo, and Mulayam Singh would be elated to get a country of their own where they could be prime ministers. Thirdly, India's actual growth rate would look much better without them. Fourthly, overall crime rate in India would go down.

    These are the most lawless of all the states in India. How dare Mayawati spend such a fortune (tax payer's money) on her birthdays and on erecting statues for her mentor and herself ? Is there no law in India which could stop this and bring her to court for misappropriation of public funds ? Are those laws not applicable to our esteemed so called leaders ? Is there no conscience left in her ? She proclaims to be the leader of the dalits but has hardly done anything for the dalits. Now after spending crores of rupees on erecting the statues, she wants to form a police force to protect those statues. This is clearly a contempt of India.

    I do feel bad for the people of those states, but even they are to be blamed a little for the state of affairs. If they want a change they have to do something really radical. Lets make these separate countries and let them deal with their own mess. Let all of us live in peace there after.


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