Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Teenage Suicide

    It was very sad to read that Mumbai is becoming the teenage suicide capital of India. Reason mentioned was that the teenagers are not able to handle their education pressure. The article has blamed the parents for building up that pressure on the teens. Parent's expectations have sky-rokected and everyone wants their kids to be at the very top.

In this rat race we have forgotten that we are human beings. We have forgotten that the shining stars have always been the ones who have followed their passion. The movie, 3 idiots showed it very nicely. Aamir Khan says in the movie "Tum kamiyabi ke keeche kat bhago, Kam wohi karo jo tumhe pasand ho, Kamiyabi apne aap tumhare peeche aayegi" (do not go after recognition, do what you love to do, recognition would automatically come after you).

    Market is also to be blamed for this pressure. Since there are not very many avenues, in India especially, other than being an engineering or medicine, that the parents tend to push their children into those streams. I think it is high time we realized it and encouraged our kids to follow their heart. We would have more scientists, artist, musicians, sports person to boast of. Let us not stifle our growth. Government of India should develop schemes to promote different skills so that people could take them up and excel in them. Now when the Indian economy is growing at a faster rate, it is all the more important that a country of one billion people showcase more talent than just churning out engineers or doctors (not to say that these skills are any less important).


Just one more said...

this is all very nice raghavan..but you have to realise that just one in thousand wild life photographers can become successful or even earn enough to support herself/himself (refering to the movie you mentioned), where as even a average engineer or doctor can and can perhaps lead a decent life. So although I completely agree with you, but there is an very practical point which cannot be overlooked. I have another angle to your comment; yes, there is pressure on kids and on adults, and there will be pressure but this is part of human society. Do you think during evolution of humans there was not any pressure to survive?

Bibliophile said...

I agree pressure will be there but there is a difference between good pressure and bad pressure. Good pressure is something that one is willing to take for a work that he or she likes to do, competition. Probably that is how I see the evolution pressure to survive as well.

I feel if people really think they need to take up only engineering or medicine then shure they should be free to do that too.

That is why, to your point, I said avenues have to be opened and people should be encouraged to take up anything fearlessly. My feeling is when you open up the avenues the pressure will be gone. To be a rounded society, I think we have to do it.

